• Tras conocerse por un chat y quedar para tomar unas copas, una chica tendr que intentar huir de una muerte segura al darse cuenta que haba quedado con una mezcla de Ted Bundy y Hannibal Lecter. Meeting a man on the Internet, Julia decides to see him in person, only to get abducted and branded with the letter 'x' by that guy. A game of cat and mouse follows, but the story has an unexpected twist. Ver Pelicula Julia X (Julia X 3D), Online Gratis Tras conocerse por un chat y quedar para tomar unas copas, una chica tendr que intentar huir de una muerte Directed by P. With Valerie Azlynn, Kevin Sorbo, Alicia Leigh Willis, Joel David Moore. Meeting a man on the Internet, Julia decides to see him in person, only to get abducted and branded with the letter x by that guy. A game of cat and mouse follows, but the story has an unexpected twist. Auf moviepilot findest du alle aktuellen Julia X 3D Trailer in HD Qualitt! Der Player berechnet automatisch die beste TrailerAuflsung fr deine Internetverbindung. Two sisters devise a wicked game of cat and mouse after one is abducted on a blind Internet date gone bad. Une jeune femme, Julia, rencontre un homme sur un internet. Elle dsire le rencontrer en personne pour lui proposer une drle d'ide Julia has a date with a psycho who brands her with an Julia X 3D (2011) Full Movie Online. Watch Julia X 3D 2011 Full Movie Free Online Meeting a man on the Internet, Julia decides to see him in person, only to get abducted and branded with the Story: Julia is a young woman dating a stranger that she met on the Internet in a bar. Out of the blue, she decides to leave the man and goes to the parking lot. However, the stranger abducts her and brands her thigh with the letter X. Ttulo original: Julia X (Julia X 3D). Sinopsis: Tras conocerse por un chat y quedar para tomar unas copas, una chica tendr que intentar huir de una muerte segura al darse cuenta que haba quedado con una mezcla de Ted Bundy y Hannibal Lecter. Julia x 2011 Horror Thriller Duration: Apartment 1303 3D Official Trailer# 1 (2013) Julia Roberts Movie Duration: 2: 27. Movieclips Classic Trailers 591, 071 views. Watch Julia X 3D movie online, download full version. Credited only as The Stranger, Kevin Sorbos character in JULIA X 3D (much like in real Navigation. Unterseiten; Haftungsausschluss; Optionen; Schauspieler Index; Regie Index; Login Register On her third Internet date, Julia meets a man dubbed The Stranger, a deadly serial killer that prowls the web for female victims, branding each one alphabetically. Julia is branded with an X, but before he can finish the job, she manages to escape and a cat and mouse game ensues. The Stranger is eventually caught by Julia and her sister, who also happen to be dangerous Julia X 3D Bluray (2011): Starring Valerie Azlynn, Kevin Sorbo and Alicia Leigh Willis. Meeting a man on the Internet, Julia decides to see him in person, only to get abducted and branded with. Julia X 3D is a 2010 thriller film based on the story by by P. Pettiette, written by Matt Cunningham and directed by P. This channel was gener Alle Infos zum Film Julia X 3D (2011): ExHerkules Kevin Sorbo gibt in Julia X den fiesen Kidnapper und Mrder, der seine Opfer bers Internet Julia X 3D is a 2011 American 3D comedy horror film starring Valerie Azlynn, Kevin Sorbo, Alicia Leigh Willis, Joel David Moore and Ving Rhames. Julia X Julia is trapped by a stranger who she knows on the internet. She must confront a heartless killer. Ver Julia X 3D (2011) online gratis, ver pelicula completa, ver en buena Calidad HD, 720p, 1080p, BR, BluRay. Ver Julia X 3D (2011) en Espaol, Ver Julia X 3D (2011) en Latino. A woman turns the tables on her violent blind date in this cheeky 3D thriller starring Kevin Sorbo and Valerie Azlynn. Julia is branded X in this wellwrought generic thriller fleshed out in 3D. Xem Phim Co Nang X Julia X 3d (FULL HD) (2012) Phim k v mt g bnh hon chuyn bt nhng ngi ph n tr hnh h ly nim vui. Buy Julia X (3D BlurayBluray) from Amazon's Movies Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Julia X 3D Bluray (Ungekrzte Fassung) (2011): Starring Valerie Azlynn, Kevin Sorbo and Alicia Leigh Willis. Meeting a man on the Internet, Julia decides to see him in person, only to get. 'Julia X' sets out to be a trashy good time but comes away unjustifiably smug and a bore. The humor falls flat, the cinematography and set design is hideous and cheap (two pipes show up in one. [LEAKED UNCENSORED VERSION 3D x Julia Perfect Body and Super 3D Video (Julia) [RKI111 Julia X est un film ralis par P. Pettiette avec Valerie Azlynn, Kevin Sorbo. Synopsis: Une jeune femme, Julia, rencontre un homme sur un internet. Elle dsire le rencontrer en personne. Julia X 3D is a 2011 American 3D comedy horror film starring Valerie Azlynn, Kevin Sorbo, Alicia Leigh Willis, Joel David Moore and Ving Rhames. This article needs a plot summary. Please add one in your own words. Valerie Azlynn as Julia; Kevin Sorbo as The. Two sisters devise a wicked game of cat and mouse after one is abducted on a blind Internet date gone bad. 'Julia X (Julia X 3D) (2011)' es una pelcula online que nos presenta la vida de una inocente muchacha que pasaba muchos de sus ratos libres sentada en un [18 X (Julia X 3D) (2011) watch full movie in HD online on# 1 Movies Totally Free No Registration HighQuality Soundtracks and Reviews voir film Julia X en stream complet Une jeune femme, Julia, rencontre un homme sur un internet. Elle dsire le rencontrer en personne. streaming vk Julia Xen streaming vf film regarder Julia X (2011): After Julia meets up with The Stranger for a date, is kidnapped and bound in his lair but escapes and begins to exact revenge, we learn the real story. x 3d, x 3d Shop Julia X 3D (BluRay 3D BluRay). Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Julia trifft sich in einem Restaurant mit einer mnnlichen Chatbekanntschaft, beendet das Date jedoch vorzeitig. Als sie heimfahren will, berwltigt sie. Descargar: Julia X 3D (2011) DVDRip versin original, subtitulada, vo, vose, bitTorrent, eMule, eLink, descarga directa. Julia X 3D uncut: Lest hier das Bluray Review zur Spio Fassung des blutigen Rachethrillers uncut. Livraison gratuite ds 20 d'achat. Tout sur Julia X Combo BluRay 3D Valerie Azlynn Kevin Sorbo, Bluray et toute l'actualit en Dvd et Bluray..